Spatial Design Bachelor’s Program: Bridging Physical Spaces and the Metaverse

Klaus Marek, Head of the Spatial Design Bachelor’s Program at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
At the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), the Spatial Design program has been shaping innovative minds since its inception in 2020. This pioneering field of study is crucial not only for transforming physical environments but also for exploring the vast possibilities within the metaverse. In an enlightening conversation with Professor Klaus Marek, the head of the Bachelor’s program in Spatial Design, we delve into how this cutting-edge discipline is crafting forward-thinking spatial solutions that enhance experiences and interactions in both tangible and virtual spaces.
Since when does the Spatial Design program exist and how many students are currently enrolled?
Prof. Klaus Marek: The Spatial Design program was launched in 2020 with its first cohort of 15 students. Currently, there are 38 students enrolled across three cohorts.
What is Spatial Design and what do students learn in this Bachelor’s program?
Spatial Design is a unique design discipline in Switzerland focused on developing future-oriented spatial solutions for socially relevant challenges – from multimedia exhibitions to innovative learning and working environments, and participatory urban planning – in physical, hybrid, and digital spaces. During their studies, students acquire innovative design methods and incorporate existing knowledge, such as from psychology, to uncover and develop appropriate spatial solutions. The program also teaches various visualization and prototyping techniques – from sketches to 3D modeling and functional physical or digital prototypes – to realize designs.
Why is the Spatial Design program important?
People are always surrounded by spaces, and spaces significantly influence human behavior, often presenting challenges. Therefore, Spatial Designers act with empathy, commitment, creativity, and a spirit of inquiry for the environment and humanity. Subjective experience quality, discourse, and reflection guide their actions.
What skills should a successful Spatial Design student possess?
Curiosity and openness are fundamental. Students should be able to apply methods to uncover human needs and know how to develop spatial concepts from these insights. They should master analog and digital tools to effectively communicate and make designs understandable and attractive to various stakeholders.

Spatial Design: How digital innovations such as augmented, virtual and mixed reality open up new ways of acting and experiencing spaces.
How is the concept of the metaverse integrated into the Spatial Design program?
In our program, students explore how digital innovations like Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality open new pathways for action and experience in spaces. During their studies, students learn to use these tools to create inspiring places that generate experiences and promote interactions both in the physical and virtual worlds, including the metaverse. In the Spatial Design curriculum, the second year is dedicated to exploring hybrid and virtual spaces. Many students are so fascinated by the possibilities of designing for the virtual realm that they choose to focus on this area in their Bachelor’s thesis.
What career opportunities do graduates of this program have?
As diverse as the program itself, career opportunities for graduates span various fields where spatial considerations are crucial. Graduates work in scenography, interior design firms, or agencies specializing in Experience, Service, or Interaction Design. Their work encompasses brand environments, workplace design, exhibitions and events, media architecture, and urban design, leveraging their acquired competencies across different domains.
Thank you, Klaus Marek, for sharing your insights into the transformative potential of Spatial Design!